Friday, June 25, 2004


The title says it all. Frustration. Anxiety. Urge to hit, bite, scream. I'm feeling as little out of sorts about a few things today. The pool is still in process; however, the process of changing out the diving rock yesterday led to a huge truck driving across the entire front yard leaving huge ruts, and possible sprinkler sytem damage. My dog is having surgery today. I'm having surgery next week. I'm behind at work. My "service engine soon" light is on in my car. I made too many committments for this evening, and can't decide who to cancel on, and I'm broke. But life goes on, tomorrow will be a better day.

Whatcha in for?

I was thinking earlier this week, how interesting it is that in all different groups, the basic conversations always start out the same. When your with a group of career minded adults, the first question is usually "What do you do?" When you are with a group of college students the opening question is "What's your major?" and when you are in prison they ask "Whatcha in for?"

Why does it matter? I figured out it really doesn't. I don't really think most people care, it's just a good opening when you meet someone new. It works on me.

Monday, June 21, 2004


My dog was dognapped, and a ransom note was left on the door. $907.00. That's what they were asking. I hate to think about spending almost a thousand dollars to get my dog back, but the truth is, I would do it in a heartbeat. Funny thing is, he's not even my dog. He's my roomate's dog....

Anyway, he didn't really get napped, but he was staying at a friends house while the pool is getting built, and one day I came home and there really was a ransom note. It said "Hello (then has dogfood glued to it) if you want your dog 2 come HOME - no time to discuss - send $907.00 - thank you (more dogfood)" The words were cut out of newspapers or magazines, it's really hillarious. I laughed ny butt off.

I did have to take the dog,"Hogie" to the vet on Saturday morning, We met the dognappers on the outskirts of Fort Worth at a gas station to pick up the dog because he was sick. The vet said he had probably over-exerted himself, and possibly pulled a muscle. See - he is an only dog, and there's not a lot of action going on here, but my friends have three dogs, and Hogie was right in the middle of them, doing all the stuff dogs do.

He's good now, but the vet said he had to take it easy for a few days......

Thursday, June 17, 2004


I went to advising and registration today at UTA. I am officially a registered student for the Fall 2004 semester. It was an extremely long day. I had to be there at 3:00 and did not leave until almost 8:30 this evening. We walked a million miles at least, in the 123 degree weather. I know, there I go exaggerating again, it felt like it though. School starts back on August 23rd, and I have mixed emotions about it. It's nice being off for the summer and on one hand I don't really want to go. On the other hand, It is something new and I always love new things, it should be an interesting experience. So, I'll set aside the first wishes of wanting to continue my lazy days, and put my best foot forward and tackle UTA. Good Night!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Have you been to Denny's lately? I went last night with my parents and my friend. I had those mini burgers. They were good, but I think they take one really thin hamburger patty and cut it up and put it on those little bun things. Thing is, they ran out of meat before they got to all of them, so they just throw some mustard and onions on the ones that are left and put them on the plate. So you get three little burgers and three little buns with mustard. Interesting.....

Saturday, June 12, 2004


I just love my friends. All of them. I don't have a lot, but the ones I have are amazing. I only have about six. That's a good number though, don't you think? Especially, for really good close friends. I have more friends than that, but not that I consider close friends. Of the six close friends, I have two favorites. I won't mention any names though, in case it's not you. I have to tell you though, I CAN be bought, you could be moved to a higher position on my list if you flatter me and buy me presents. Just Kidding, well, I guess I'm not. Flattery will get you everywhere, how far the presents get you, just depends on what it is. Poetry is good too, especially wonderful friend poems that are talking about me. I am so NOT serious, but I will accept any and all poems, gifts, and flattery!!

P.S. money, perfume, and shoes are always my favorite gifts. (hee,hee)


Saturday Morning, 6:30 a.m., I'm awakened by a loud, obnoxious, grinding noise. I stumble to the living room, look out the window, and see a huge truck in front of the house. I look out the back window, and there are about 7 dark skinned men in the back yard. One of which is at the end of an approcimately 75 foot hose, shooting gunite forcefully at the walls of the huge hole in the backyard. It's amazing. One guy is spraying the gunite, one guy is smoothing it out with hand tools, another is outside of the pool shaping the top edges. Three hardworking (said sarcastically) gentleman are sitting down leaning up against the fence. I went out and took pictures, the three guys by the fence posed and waved for the camera. There are a couple of guys out front with the truck shooting the gunite from an extended arm into a smaller vessel, which has the hose hooked to it that is stretched into the backyard. It's now about 10:30, and they are doing the last of the troweling in back and the cleaning up in front. That was fast!! We should be swimming soon!!

Friday, June 11, 2004


I hate being bored. I have 30 minutes to kill, my two friends are in the living room watching TV. The thing is they have not picked a channel to watch. They are flipping through the channels. I don't mind channel surfing; however, I like to be the one doing the surfing. I hate it when I'm not that person and I just start to get into the show and they decide it is time to flip. Then I get into the next show...flip. The next show, I don't get into, and that's what they pick to watch until I say "Are we going to watch THIS?" I hate documentaries and educational stuff on TV. If I'm going to waste time watching TV, I want to watch something completely uneducational and useless. I know, I know, it's not all about me and what I want, but WHY NOT?

The Pool

The pool is getting steel and plumbing today!! How exciting. My mom came by and looked at it, for some reason it freaked her out. She wouldn't go outside and look at it. She said she felt like she would fall into it, hit her head on the steel, and be lying there face down for hours with nobody finding her, and then be sunburned on the back of her arms and legs. You think she's exagerating a little?

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Don't you just love surprises? I just got a gift certificate to that quaint little sandwich shop (Nana's) that I was talking about yesterday (under Red Hat Society). How nice. It was a good surprise. I love that place. It reminds me of a place you would go to if you were a character in a book. If those old red hat ladies won't let me go with them, I'll just go myself, with my certificate, and wear my new turquoise hat. Think they'll be jealous???

I told you...

You know what's crazy? My boss is always asking me questions, when I tell her the answer she doesn't believe me, and makes me call someone or look it up and prove it to her. Once I prove it, she always says "See, I told you". What's with that? I know I always have this look on my face, like "what are you talking about, weirdo." Yesterday she did it again. So - I asked her, "why do you do that all the time?" She looked at me like I was crazy and it was quite obvious she had no clue what I was talking about. So, I told her, you always say "I told you" when you didn't tell me. She was all "I'm just sayin" I was like "Your just sayin what?" and she was like "you know, that's the way it is" And I was like "I know that's why I told you how it was". It went back and forth, her never admitting anything, she tried to laugh it off, so I let it go. But, I wonder sometimes what's going on up there.......

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Red Hat Society

The other day I was standing in my office and looked at the window. There is quaint sandwich shop next door called "Nana's". There was a large group of women standing outside and more pulling up in cars all wearing purple dresses and red hats. Two of them had feather boa's and my curiosity just could not be suppressed. So, I went over to see what it was all about. They told me it was the "Red Hat Society" and told me about a poem that started it all. I asked if I could join ans was immediately told "no". I rude. Then they told me I had to be over fifty. I looked up this society on the internet and found a lot of interesting stuff about it...Here is the poem that started it all:

Warning (by Jenny Joseph)

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other peoples' gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

I decided then to start my own society called the "Red HOT Society" wanta join??


Isn't family great? I love it. I went to dinner with some of mine last night. My mom, dad, brother and my best friend Ginger. We talked, we laughed, we ate, we made fun of people, had a food fight, skipped out on the bill, it was great!! Just kidding. We didn't do ALL that. We did the normal talking, laughing, eating, paid the bill, didn't throw food, and went home. It was still great though. My brother is wonderful. He is fun,fun,fun!! (His blog is Go check it out. I enjoyed seeing my parents too. I see them quite a bit, but they always wanta act like I never do. It's okay though, they're my parents, and besides the guilt trips, they're alot of fun too. We ate at Babe's Chicken in Sanger. It's weird, I've been there four times now, and I was telling my brother last night, that He told me they have these huge chicken strips....Everytime I go there I order chicken strips and there always these tiny little strips. They're good but there not "huge" like he described. Last night, when he went with me, they were huge. Strange, huh?

Well anyway, Ginger was there too, I really don't see her much either (although we are roomates) she works in Los Colinas and leaves before I wake up and gets home late at night. It was nice to have dinner with her too.

I saw my sister this weekend. She's great too. She's fun, and beautiful, and talented, and brilliant (she's just like me, ha ha) For real - she is all those things, and just the best sister ever. We went to a Mexican Restaurant called Acapulco's or something like that. I have to say though, she said it was the best mexican food...I didn't think so, it was just plain ole mexican food, you know - tortillas filled with stuff and covered with stuff, beans on one side, rice on the other. It was good, but nothing special. Don't make a special trip.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Long Days....

Do you ever have one of those really really really long days? Today is still one of those days. It is almost 10:00 p.m. and I am still at work, waiting for the City Council to come out of a "top secret" meeting. It's actually the City Manager's evaluation. They go into a little room and talk about him, then they call him in and either chew him out or tell him what a good job he's doing. You never really know how it's going to go. Afterwards, you can kinda tell by the City Manger's expressions. I was just looking at the City Manager, he's sitting in a chair in the office looking at absolutely nothing, or maybe the flourescent lights, I'm not sure which. This must really stink for him. I would hate it. We've been here since 8:00 this morning, and now at almost 10:00, there's a group of men closed up in a room talking about him. What if they decide to fire him, oh my, that'd be sad. They may be really happy with him though, who knows. I'd be going crazy.

Okay - they just called him in the room, I took a break from writing and talked to him for a few minutes, he is going CRAZY. I wonder what's going on in there.........

Rain, Rain, Rain

wow - can you believe that rain last night. I thought we were going to get washed away. Last Tuesday they dug a big hole in our backyard (we're putting in a pool). Last night the pool was running over, and it looked like the atlantic ocean in my backyard. Okay , not the Atlantic, but Lake Ray Roberts. Maybe that's a little exagerative too, it kinda looked like the pond that used to be on the land where we used to live out in the country. That's probably more like it, but it was really amazing. I got up this morning and went outside, I was in mud up to my knees. I was really stupid and didn't tie my tennis shoes on my feet so they got stuck in the mud, you should have seen me, you would probably pointed and laughed. I would have. I wasn't laughing though, if I was a cusser I would have had a few words to say, but since I'm not I just grunted and sighed a lot. Anyway, I managed to make away out of the back yard and around to the front of the house. My shoes are caked with mud sitting on the front porch. I think I'll throw that pair away for sure.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Lottery

Oooh when I typed that title I thought about that short story about that town who had a lottery every year and stoned one person to keep the town's good luck the rest of the year. Isnt' that weird. That would be so strange to live in a town like that. Or somewhere just as weird. Anyway, Sanger is pretty weird sometimes. We've had quite a few little scandals for such a small town. I'll tell you about them sometime.

I was actually going to write about the Texas Lottery; however, it doesn't seem very interesting anymore. I did win $5.00 last night though. I actually got the Bonus Ball. I was pretty darn excited!!

Friday, June 04, 2004

June 4, 2004

Hi. What do you think about the name of my blog. "Lava Locust Rides Again"...hmmmm. It doesn't really mean anything. I just always thought if I had a suedo name it would be Lava Locust. So what do you think?