Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Have you been to Denny's lately? I went last night with my parents and my friend. I had those mini burgers. They were good, but I think they take one really thin hamburger patty and cut it up and put it on those little bun things. Thing is, they ran out of meat before they got to all of them, so they just throw some mustard and onions on the ones that are left and put them on the plate. So you get three little burgers and three little buns with mustard. Interesting.....


Blogger Eddo said...

What? You went to Denny's without me! You know how I looove Denny's...

1:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I didn't know you loooove Denny's. Now I know and knowing is half the battle. I will be sure to call you for sure next time

7:10 PM  

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