Tuesday, September 08, 2009


OMGoodness!!!! have you been to www.shelfari.com ? Tell me! have you? A friend of mine told me about it today, and i'm already addicted. Basically you have a book shelf, and you can add books you have read, you can review them and rate them and such. Then you can add books you plan to read as well as books you are currently reading!

Thing is. I love books! So - this site is totally my dig! I mean, have you ever read a book, and you gained some masterful insight and wanted to share, discuss, mull over, analyze it with someone else who has, is, or will read the same book? Have you? Ok - probably not, but let's pretend it was a movie - then you probably know what I'm talking about...You know, when you can say "Can you believe that happened?, I so wasn't expecting that...and when he said "blah blah blah" did you have any idea??" Relating it to a movie - maybe you can see where I'm coming from.

Seriously, I'm not assuming that none of you read books, and when I say "none of you" , I mean, my one follower and my brother who very rarely check my site, being that my posts were so few and far between these past couple of years... But I'm back, rambling on and on like before....and maybe, one day - some day, I'll have a comment or two again... lol!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Electronic Pencil Sharpener

There's just nothing like it. I mean, I can be sitting at my desk, writing away and notice the tip of my pencil is dull and the lines of my words are not as crisp as I like them, then suddenly out of the corner of my eye - I notice my electronic pencil sharpener. Right there on my desk! Convenience! gotta love it.... I insert my dull pencil into it - and Wah Lah! I have my like new pencil back...faithful as always... I can write, draw, sketch, create again.... all becasue I ahve my pencil.

I know - I'm a little insane, but I truly love pencils!