Monday, August 13, 2007

Just stuff

I start school in two weeks. I'm a bit nervous. I'm taking some really tough classes. I'm taking Properties/Behaviours of Soil, Soil Mechanics, Spanish 2, Mechanics of Materials 2, and Structural Analysis.

Sometimes I wonder why I chose the engineering field. It's quite difiicult, but then again, it seems I'm not happy without a challenge. Well - wish me luck - I'm gonna need it.

I've missed this whole blogging thing. I feel like I've found an old friend.

Oh, another interesting tid bit. I was quoted in the newspaper last week. They quoted me incorrectly. I called and discussed it with the editor. They offered to print a retraction. I said it was okay, but if anything comes of it, they will print one later. Interesting huh?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Meet the New Guy

Although the new Boss started last Monday, we had a scheduled meeting for 10:30 this morning. Of course, Monday morning, before 8:00 a.m. I went in and sat my butt down in his office and bombarded him loads of questions, ideas, concerns, terrorist attack strategies, disaster relief efforts, and gossip. Just Kidding - but I was in there early Monday morning. We've been at several meeting together this week, and had no less than 5 one on one meetings regarding various issues.

The other girls in the office were nervous about their one on one scheduled meetings with him. Not me, in fact, I went in, propped my feet up on the desk and said "sup?"

He told me what an asset I was, and I nodded in agreement, told him how perceptive he was, we had some laughs - slapped each other a high five - both said "later" and I went back to work.
Just kidding - it so didn't go like that. For real, it went good, he's a great guy and i'm looking forward to working with him. Should be intersting....

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Dentist

I went to the Dentist yesterday and got my teeth cleaned. I always find it interesting sitting in that chair with four hands in my mouth. They always give me a pair of glasses to put on - you know for the overspray or flying plaque or whatever. Yesterday they were sunglasses - at least I get to look cool while I'm lying there.
I have a great dentist though - and he alwyas has these in-depth conversations with the hygienest. The cool thing is, he always adresses me first and prefaces his conversations, fills me in on all the pre-details - then has his conversation with her. Isn't that nice? - he wants me to fill included while I'm lying there mouth stretched open, a water hose, vacuum, mirror and pick axe all forced inside.
Yesterday, they discussed global warming. It sucked, because I had lots of questions, but since he had his entire tool box in my mouth it was impossible to ask any of them. I was thinking about it - and it must be great to be him. You can project all of your opinions and beliefs on some innocent unknowing victim and they can't say a thing about it for fear of getting their tongue chopped off with the pick axe and then sucked down a vacuum hose.
He further discussed his programmable thermostat at home, he prefaced that as well - he has had it for several years and has never touched it aside from moving it from heat to cool and vice-versa; however, Monday morning it was really hot and the temperature was not at all what it was programmed to be. He had no clue how to fix it and was getting instructions from the hygienest on how to program it. The information she was giving him was completely wrong, and I so wanted to interject and correct just a few wayward instructions, but to my dismay it came out as "ahhaahh ya rahl ooh i oah arr". He raised an eyebrow, and nodded in agreement as if he completely understood and continued accepting the highly inaccurate instruction. What could I do? I bet he's still hot.
In all, it was a good visit, and my teeth are silky smooth - I keep running my tongue over them, bad things is I've had a few people think I was hitting on them! JUST KIDDING!
By the way - what does quixotic mean? I'm off to look it up.