Thursday, May 26, 2005


I have all this pressure to blog, people everywhere asking me why I haven't blogged in like 2 WHOLE WEEKS!!! What's wrong with me? I think I have lost my blogability. I mean, I'm losing interest....Oh no, what to do? what to do? I decided that if I just tried one more time to do a blog entry maybe the blog desire would come back so here goes......Hmmmm....I'm thinking

Well, my sister is gonna have a baby - that's really awesome, I was trying to talk her into naming it after me, she was very nice and playfully pretended that she ahd considered; however, I know the real truth..the thought never crossed her mind. That's okay though, I really wasn't offended, cuz I don't wanta name my kid Samantha either......

My brother is in Hawaii, posting all kinds of pictures on his blog....Now, tell me, if you were in Hawaii, on vacation, would you spend any of your time on the internet? blogging? I wouldn't.

I'm at work and I've been trying to write this since about 2:00, for some reason work keeps getting in the way...I'll be back soon...I promise.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

More Lies

1. I love reality TV shows
2. I love it when people talk about me like I'm not in the room
3. I really enjoy getting my eyebrows waxed.
4. Getting your lip waxed doesn't hurt at all.
5. Life is always fair.
6. You can always get what you want.
7. Spiked Heels are great for mountain climbing, and carrying babies, and wearing around campus.
8. I loved that move "The Aviator"
9. Now that schools out, I wanta go sunbathing.
10. Right now I'm eating prunes and drinking avocado juice.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Final Days

The final days of the semester are upon us! Finals previously posted, it's a nightmare! It's interesting to me though to watch everyone around me...rushing around, copying, studying, reading, writing, sleeping.....yes....sleeping. It is 9:20 in the morning, mid finals week and I am in the basement of the library at UTA. The guy sitting at the table with me is sleeping with his face in his book....literally. He keeps waking up and reading and then his head starts bobbing, and out he goes. It's hilarious, but I also feel for him, a little. Oops - he just woke up...he kinda jumped, now he's acting like he was reading all along. There's a security guard fixing a door and making all kinds of noise, sleepy boy is staring at him like he interrupted his sleep. I promise you, though he was sleeping good, and that dude's been making noise for a while now, so I don't think that was it at all. Now he just put on his sunglasses, smiled at me, stood up and left........I guess he's done sleeping. Now, back to studying I go!

Sunday, May 08, 2005


I find when no one sees
that I am still the same me
convincing myself
of prominence and urgency
to know what is around me
andto feel the truth about me
and my soul
Will I rest?
Will I breathe?
Will I grow?
Is there time to know
what is really real
or has the time passed?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

5 lies and 1 truth

My brother, at (go check him out) did 105 truths and 5 lies on his blog last week, but who in their right mind has that much time on their hands and if they do, wants to share that much information about themselves with the whol eentire I thought I'd tell mostly here goes:

1. My favorite thing in the world is when people call and call and call me and when I don't return their call within the first hour after they called, they call and call again, and when I finally call them back, they say "I called you earlier, why didn't you answer the phone?"....I just love that.

2. Something about me that not anyone else knows is that my favorite foods are mushy gushy ones like jello, and tofu, and oysters, things that slide around.....delicious!!

3. I love it when I'm really really busy and someone calls and asks what I'm doing, and I start to tell them , then they interrupt me every other sentence to make sarcastic comments....those are the kind of people I love to be around.

4. When I was a little girl, my parents decided to ground me and my brother and sister for something that none of us would admit too......and I was the one that did it.

5. When I was younger I used to always hate to admit that I was part black, so I would tell people that I was from a small country called Saladodressinga and that my parents names were Creamy Italian and Balsalmic, and that my real name was Vinagrette

6. I'm the biggest fan of Vanilla Ice.