Friday, January 16, 2009

Einstein's Quote of the Day

I get an "Einstein Quote of the day" on my google home page, and today it was "When I was young, I found out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in a sock. So I stopped wearing socks." I was thinking that doesn't seem very Einsteinish, but then I thought - yuck, he must have not clipped his toe nails...that's the only way I can think of that your big toe would make holes. Did they not have toe nail clippers back then? I wonder.... Things that make you go hmmm.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

City Council

I have been debating over the past few months whether or not to run for City Council in Sanger. It's a hard decision. It is a 2 year committment; however, it is only 2 nights a month. The thing is, I would totally ahte to run and lose, but is that really a reason to not try? No, Samantha, it's not! On the other hand, I keep asking myself - why do I really want to run? I've come up with several reasons: I love that community, Sanger is definitely where my heart is, I've been a part of it for so long that I would love to have the opportunity to be involved in it's future, I would liek to try to make a difference, and I think I would enjoy it.

On the other hand (how many hands do I have?) - I would like to work in Sanger again some day, and I would have to wait at least a year after serving on Council to be able to do that, but I can't see myself going back there within the next three years anyway... so what's the problem?

Well - I'll keep praying about it. I gotta decide soon though - it's almost time to pick up those election packets!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I realized - I'm a liar!!

Why is it that we go through life making resolutions, and never stick to em? I mean I've made a lot of promises to myself, and I find over and over and over again that I break them. I'm better at keeping my promises to other people than I am keeping the ones i make to myself.

Ya know - the Bible says not to trust anyone, not to even trust yourself. I guess that's why - cuz my goodnes - I lie to myself all the time!! I always say stuff like "I will never do (fill in the blank) again" or "As of right now I'm going to start (fill in the blank)" - But do I? No! What a liar!! I wonder how much further I would be in life, happier I would be, thinner or whatever I would be if I had kept all those promises that I had made over the years. It's definitely something to ponder. Maybe I should start keeping record of those promises and trying to keep them.

It's worth a shot.