Friday, April 29, 2005

Sittin' on the dockof the bay...

Sittin on the dock of the bay, watchin the time role away......time is flying by. I had to take off work yesterday to do that life plan for my engineering economy class. I found out onTuesday it was due on Thursday and I thought it was due next week. I freaked out at first, but then I got it done! It was 20 pages of report and spreadsheets. I'm feelin g a little better about things, I don't wanta pull my hair out anymore (for one, I can afford too, there's not that many up there)!

It does look like there is a possibility of me not keeping my scholarship, if I do as bad as I think in Statics and Dynamics it will pull my GPA down to a 3.47, I need a 3.50 to keep my scholarship, but all hope is not lost. I got an e-mail with available scholarships from the schol last week, and alot of them onlyi require a 2.75, 3.0 or 3.25, I've got that in the bag! So - I'm going to apply for all of them and I think I have a good chance of geting one or more of them! I'm in physics class right now, we are about to go over the program again for our project, so I have to go now. CIAO for now!

Monday, April 25, 2005


Finals are coming.......yes, run!!!! They are falling on top of me like a big honkin load of bricks! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I look right and there's a final, I look left and there's another a final, there a final.....every where a final final...OH McDonald had a farm E I E I O...Oh I got carried away. I don't mean to stress you out, but let me tell you what's going on . I have a final project for Physics, my intructor said that he expects 15 to 20 pages to be turned in. It is deriving equations based on energy laws and plotting graphs based on the reactions of circuits in a circuit simulation program we had to download from the internet. That's one final. Then.....I have to do a financial plan for the next 45 years of my life. That is showing, from the time I graduate, living expenses, home costs, vehicle costs, savings, interest earned and paid, every thing you can think of......that's not a final, just an additional project to do here at the end of the semester along with finals......Let's see, I actually have a circuits analysis final, an engineering economy final and a statics and dynamics final that are all cumulative, meaning they will test over the entire material covered in class! EEEK! Now, that's three finals and 2 LARGE Projects all due next week. what am I gonna do??? Okay - I have to go shoot myself now, I know you'll miss me...Goodbye.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho

that title? I heardit once or twice or more, but I have no idea where.....hmmmm, it just came to mind when I clicked the cursor in the title space.

I was reading some of my brother's blog entries ( and he has one entitled "The Blog Patrol - Now taking Applications" , here, he indicates that people are out there blogging without proper blogging skills, therefore, their blogs are boring, babbling, stupid or even ugly. Well, I'm afraid that at times I fall into some of these categories. Now, thanks to my brother, my blog is defintiely not ugly, so we can scratch that one off the list. Boring, however, I can admit that sometimes I dont' have very interesting topics, especially after reviewing his topics. I will do my best to pass the tests of the "Blog Patrol", but you can't expect the excitement you find at postednote. So - as soon as I think of something blog worthy to write about, I'll be back. Until you all!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My Thoughts....

I never dare to say all that is on my mind for fear that it would be proven true that I am completely insane. Maybe it's fear that you will think it, although I know it is not true. I know this because I am the one thinking these thoughts. Of late, I have become more analytical, but only within my own thoughts, I don't share these thoughts because I know you're not interested. I only tell you the things I feel you can accept, or will accept, although I know there is nothing about me that deserves your judgement. The only judgement I deserve, or any of us deserve for that matter is God's judgement. I am sitting here alone this morning, for a short time only, soonI will be weaved in among others, but I will still feel apart from them. Lately, I feel a bit displaced. Although I'm surrounded, and I fit in the chair, my name is on the roll sheet, I recognize the faces around me, it seems, I'm in the wrong spot.

What gives you joy?

I wanta know....what really gives you joy, I'll tell you what it is in my life.....

First and foremost, I would say God, because without Him, I'd have no reason to be happy. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift is from above, from the Father of, first God...

Then I would say my Family and friends, I get tons of joy from them, of course they are all gifts from God too, cuz they're good and perfect in my opinion....

Then I would say sunshine and flowers and wind, I love wind! Wind blowing on my face, wind blowing thru my hair, wind that feels like it pushes all the cares of the world off of me....wind, beautiful wind, I love it!

hmmm, what's next, I'd probably say other people's that weird? I love to see happy people, hear them talk, hear them laugh, sing or whatever they do when they are happy, I love to be around happiness.....I

I really could go on and on, there are lots of things that bring me joy, but the more I thing about it, the more it all comes back to God. He is my joy and my strength......

Friday, April 15, 2005


Aren't feelings a strange thing? You don't get to choose how you feel, what feelings you're gonna get today, you can't pick them out like your clothes in the morning. Feelings are something that happen TO you. I remember being told when I was growing up "You shouldn't feel that way", how can anyone else in theworld tell you how you should or shouldn't feel? The Final Answer is....They can't! Well, they can tell you, but they are wrong! (please be advised that the contents of this blog reflect solely my opinion and not the views of everyone I know and am related to or in fact anyone you know or are related to) Wrong, I say! I mean, do you really choose to be sad? I never do. I would always pick happy over sad, seven days a week. When I'm totally filled with anxiety, I'd give anything for that feeling to disappear. When I'm stressed, I promise, I didn't go to the grocery store and buy it on the "feelings" isle. When I'm bored, sad or lonely, I didn't borrow those feelings from one of my friends, and I sure don't keep them in a drawer at home to use on occassion. I tell you, feelings, they just happen. For real, when you get feel pain, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. A broken leg=ouch!, a broken heart=ouch!, a broken spirit=ouch! When you're hugged, you might feel loved. When someone smiles at you, you might feel happy, when someone yells at you, you might feel mad...when you get done reading might feel bored! hee,hee....Anyway, I just thought I would tell you how I feel about it!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Go Ahead

Go Ahead...Say what's on your mind
No one else can say it.
Go Ahead...yet don't watch the time
or else you will delay it
Go Ahead...Step into the sun
If I do it for you, you won't feel it
Go it all
your heart will soon reveal it
Go Ahead...smell the pretty flowers
and enjoy the morning dew
Go Ahead...dare to live your dreams
try it, they just might come true
Go Ahead...enjoy the rain that's falling
without it, our grass will not turn green
Go Ahead...listen to the silence
notice when it's serene
Go and scream out loud
I do it, it feels good
Go what's right
because you know you should
Go Ahead...Tell them how you feel
How else will they know
Go Ahead...Take a Risk
How else will you grow?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

10 reasons to love me

1. I'm nice most of the time
2. I'm almost always happy
3. I can probably make you laugh
4. I shower every day
5. I'll really listen when you talk
6. I'll try new things, even if I'm kinda scared
7. I'll tell you the good things I think about you (and the bad, but only if you ask)
8. If you ask me to do something, if it is within my power, I will do it (if it's legal)
9. I'll always pay my own way (unless you totally insist...and I'm sure you mean it...then I'll give in)
10. And lastly, because I'll love you back!

Monday, April 11, 2005

The telephone is ringing

and ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing ......My telephone has been ringing off the hook this morning! In fact, when I typed the title of the blog entry , I hit enter and my telephone rang. It was my dad, he started reading off lines from his tax forms and asking me to explain them to him. I did his taxes, but I had no clue what he was talking about, I just said "uh huh, yeah, uh huh, uh...huh, okay, yeah, uh huh.....I'll look at it later and call you back".......He was happy with that. My phone is ringing again!! Mama this time. I know, I know, I know you all LOVE me sooooo much it's hard not getting to spend every waking moment of your lives with me, but it's not possible.....I'm sorry.

Guess what? Today I got my Circuits Analysis test back, the one I thought I failed, I made an 85! Whoo hoooo! Alright! yeah! jumping up and down, clicking my heels, doing the splits...Ouch! that hurt! Help me up now, will you? Oh, okay, I'm good. Well, I have to work, but I promise to be back soon! I won't wait so long next time! Be Good...Love you!