Thursday, July 28, 2005


Once again, I'm studying for a test. I have one today at 2:00 p.m. so pray for me...please!!!! I need it. The test is in Statics and Dynamics, I'm actually doing fairly well in this class. It's my Call III class that I'm struggling with, I took a test Tuesday night and I just know I bombed it. I don't know what my problem is, I know I can do this. I feel like I know the material, but I get in to take the test and every bit of the knowledge escapes me. This is a short post, becasue I have to study....but I didn't want my commenters to coninue their name

Monday, July 25, 2005

Time waits for no man...

or woman for that matter. It doesn't wait for me anyway. I got here at 7:45 this morning, and I've been working away - I checked a few e-mails, wrote a letter or two, took a few phone calls, but for the most part I still have my full days work ahead of me, and it is already almost noon. Time has flown by without even a hello. A wave. A nod in my direction. So far the list of things to do is just increasing and increasing,a nd I haven't marked one thing off today. Normally I don't make lists, but decided that some way some how I needed to find a way to focus, so I thought, hmmm a list, but then I find myself doing things that are not on the list, I just now decided though that if I d that, I'm going to add them to the list and scratch them out so it looks like I'm accomplishing something. How does that sound? Only things is, then it will look like I started at the bottom of my list. Oh well, at least I started.

I did get some cinnamom trident today! I'm excited....

Friday, July 22, 2005


A friend of mine called me on Monday because she got acid in her eye, I asked why she didn't call 911, and she said she didn't want to bother them.....Well, personally, I think acid in the eye warrants an emergency, but I heard about this other 911 emergency call that was definitely more of a priority than acid in the eye. I was on my way to work, listening to the radio and they replayed a 911 call to the a South Carolina Police Department (I think that's correct). The call went like this.....

operator: 911 emergency - how may I help you?

caller: Yes, I am at Burger King, and I have ordered my cheeseburger and they have made it wrong three times, all I want is a western cheeseburger with lettuce tomatos and pickles, my kids are hungry and I have ordered it three times. The manager came to the window and asked if I wanted my money back, I said no, all I want is my cheeseburger made right, do you think that is too much to ask?

operator: Well, ma'am, what is it that you are needing from us?

caller: I want you to send an officer out, and make them make my order right, I have already paid for it, they asked me to pull forward, and I said no, I'm going to wait here at the window until I get my order made right, they are mopping the floor in there, so they think they are too busy to go make my burger correctly.

operator: Ma'am I still don't understand what you'd like for us to do, we cannot come out and enforce your western bacon cheeseburger.

caller: You are supposed to be there to protect and serve, what am I supposed to do? All I want is a burger.

operator: ma'am, you need to act like an adult, park your car, go inside, and work this out with manager.

caller: I already talked to the manager, I don't want my money back, I want my burger made right. Ya'll are supposed to protect me!

operator: from what? a badly made cheeseburger? - ma'am, all I can tell you is to act like an adult and go get your money back and go somewhere else..........

Lava: I was cracking up! This was supposedly a real 911 emergency call. I typed this from memory, but that's pretty much how it went, I thought the funniest part was where the operator said "we're not going to enforece your western bacon cheeseburger"....I died!

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Bug

The room was almost silent, I could hear the floor creak wiht every step, but whose step? It wasn't mine, I flipped the light on, and there stood before me the largest most disgusting creature I had ever seen, it looked me in the eye, it's antennae were moving ever so lightlly as he studied me. I ran into the other room, grabbed a saddle, tied it on it's back, jumped on and the ride begun. It tried to throw me, but I held on...and soon, I had wore him out, he lied down, I jumped off and he rolled over and died. I called the backhoe service to come remove this gigantic being from my house, they had to remove the roof to get him out, it should be on the news tonight!

Ok, I'm lying - now you want the truth? Truth is....I turned on the light, and saw the largest, I mean like 3 inch (not exaggerating) water bug (I guess it was - looked like a huge roach), I of course freaked, let out a high pitched scream like a 12 year old girl, reached into the living room, grabbed a shoe, and from three feet away, launched my shoe at it, hoping it would land sole down on the bug. It did, YUCK -i heard the squishy crunchy noise, I shuddered horribly as the ooginess ran through my body, and by this time, my friend had responded to my wild banchie scream, thinking I had been attacked, rushed in. By this time I was standing back in the living room, around the corner from the mostly dead creature, still shuddering from the total grossness. She was like "I got this" and she picked up the shoe, finished the job and cleaned it up. Good friends are hard to come by sometimes, I'm glad I have a brave one. I'll tell you this. My mama DID raise a chicken.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Okay, Okay

I'm back, I haven't been anywhere really. Just ran out of stuff to say. My weekend has been fairly uneventful, there's nothing new to report. Oh - I did have this crazy dream last night, that some rock star wanted me t o go buy Grandy's chicken for an event. The event was going to have 300 peopple but for some reason she gave me a check for $199,000.00 and wantged me to buy a 20 piece chicken dineer at Grandys. I went to Grandy's on Saturday and stayed for three hours trying to ge tthis stupid 20 piece meal, and they finally told me they didn't have enough chicken. I was mad, but said I'd come back the next day. I went back the next day and still had to wait for 3 hours, they wouldn't give me the money back or anything, finally they told me they would give me $500.00 back. Of course, I went ballistic, I went totally off on the guy, and they kept sending different employees to deal with me, I started cussing and throwing my hands in the air, and after my last tantrom, the whole restaurant started clapping, and I turned around and my brother was sitting at the table behind me, he was clapping, but I was so embarrased that I had used such awful language, I went over to try to explain the situation, but he understood. Weird dream...huh....I never got the chicken or the money...but of course I hadn't left Grandy's either before I woke up.

The night before I had a weird dream too - I don't know what's up with my psyche lately.....I can't sleep at all, and I'm tired as all get out! It's crazy! I'll be back soon!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I said I'd tell you more....

but there's not really a lot to tell. I did see fireworks, that was about 20 minutes of the four days. I watched them in Hurst with a couple of friends. I saw a movie - Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I loved it. Great idea - the plot. There were times I wanted it to move along - it was all action, and sometimes seemed like the scenes were a little long, but it was good, I really enjoyed it. I stayed the night at my sister's house on Sunday. That was great fun, Karaoke, pool playing, and hanging by the pool. Everything else was pretty much weekend stuff...errands, studying etc. It really was a great weekend, and having Monday off meant I was off of work for Four days since I don't work on Tuesdays. How lucky am I?

Back at work

Back at work after 4 days, feels like I've been on vacation! I came in to lots of issues this morning, it's 8:13 and I've already solved three of them, a productive day already! I hope all of you had a great fourth of July weekend! I did, it was quite fun. Anyway - I'll be back soon to tell you more about it!