It's not a battle, I promise. I'm not gonna set up an arena and have the new friends do gladiator type events against the old friends. That wouldn't be very nice, but it sure would be fun to watch. Hee hee, I can just see it, grasshopper with one of those big clubs fighting agianst Candace and Lucky Lucy fighting for King of the cage.....against Ranell....that'd be great! I wonder who would win. Both of them seem to have a lot of fight in them, I don't wanta get in the cage with either one (only cuz I don't want to hurt them, not cuz I'm scared, LOL) Okay - no battles.....
I have made some new friends lately, one in particular, that is quickly becoming a very good friend, I haven't got a blog name for her yet though, I'll ask, if she doesn't pick one, I'll call her Minnie Mouse.......hee,hee. (When I say new vs. old, new are the friends I've made within the last year, old are the friends I've had for years). Had to clear that up for you, I know you were wondering. I LOVE, I mean completely and totally adore meeting new people and making new friends. Thing is, I LOVE and adore my old friends too...this is all a good thing, I know, but I have this problem, I want to do everything with everyone and it's hard.......I found that I have been doing lots of things, accomplishing nothing, and never save time to do the things I need to do. So, here's what I'm gonna do......I say we make everyone submit their ideas, things they wanta do, and I'll prioritize them in order of fun, then in order of cost, and then in order of what clothes I would wear doing each of these things. I'll pick the top five, then put them in a hat and draw them out one at a time. We'll set aside a time limit for each event, and take everyone who wants to's that sound? Okay, I know, I know, it won't work, cuz Sam (that's me) can't stick to a time limit, I'll be like.....Oh come on, we'll go in five minutes, Oh we can stay another 10 minutes......ooops (looks at watch) An hour has past since I was supposed to be's bad. When I'm having fun with any of you people (old and new friends alike) I just never want it to end.....I love you all too much.