Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Power of Positive Thinking....

The power of positive thinking, how well do you think it works? I only ask because I am going to try a little more of it. I've been down in the dumps some lately, I know you get tired of hearing about it. So, I'm not gonna write about it, I'm gonna start thinking more positively. So positively spekaing, today has it's good qualities. I've talked to three of my good friends today, and the weather isn't too bad. Work has been uneventful, and not too stressful. I got two Christmas gifts - a board game (Scene it?) and a cordless screwdriver (from my boss, she knows me so well). I am having a tremendously good hair day, I only say tremendously good cuz it's been so bad lately, I have been hating it passionately, biut today it's not so bad, so if you look at the past couple of weeks, today it looks amazing. I know that sounds conceited, but I was told by a friend of mine this weekend, that even if you don't like yourself, at least pretend.....which I thought was great advice. Of course, I like myself, I really do, those of you that know me, really know how much that is true. I think I'm pretty great, and if you don't think so.......don't tell me, I really don't wanta know. Just kidding, you can tell me, (if you want a black eye!)


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