Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My Brother

I've been thinking about my life lately, you might say, I've been reflecting. I remember a huge moment in my life. I was very young, and struggling with so much. I won't go into all the details, but I will share briefly. I remember being 15 years old, and thinking life was the worst it could be. There were things that led up to the moment, but I told my brother how I really felt about the issues in my life, and expected, in a way, some sort of judgement. Not only did my brother not judge me, he asked "Why?". I told him. At 14 years old, he was amazing, not only did he not judge me, he cried with me, then hugged me. For the first time in my life, I felt understood. I felt re-assured. It is that moment that I think of, when I really think about who my brother is. He is amzing, loving, gentle, kind, and so full of wisdom. I am so proud of him. I would do anything for him, and I will love him no matter what. I can't imagine not having him in my life. He is an awesome gift. I love you Eddie, if you ever read this, thank you for being my brother, and for being such a great man, and a great friend. I thank God for you everyday.


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