Friday, October 01, 2004

It's my perogative

You know, it is my perogative....what is? I know your asking yourself. Everthing is. I'm getting a little attitude, if you haven't noticed. I think life is asking a lot of me right now, and I usually just go along with it, but I don't want to any more. So, how am I going to change things? hmmm. I think the best way is for me to dress in hot pink, stand in the street, waive my hands in the air, shout "what's that you say?!", shake my bootie, do the macarena, then the electric slide, a little cabbage patch, the MC Hammer (you know, wear the baggy pants, with the velcro waste, and jump back and forth from leg to leg, to the tune of "You got to pray just to make it today"), then I'll impersonate Cher, and finally, I will end with "It's my perogative" - "Everybody's talkin all this stuff about me, why don't they just let me live?....I don't need permission, make my own descision, it's my perogative" ......... I know it's not the answer, but it'd be fun....wanta join me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure will but make sure you get all that crazy wild makeup you sell to go along with it to make it even more fun. WRITE ME Love you your FAVORITE Aunt

10:27 AM  

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