Monday, September 27, 2004


Monday is a strange day. Most people seem to feel that Monday is a bad day. Why is that? I mean, don't get me wrong, I agree....believe me, I agree, but why Monday? Monday is the day I always pick to start something new.... a new diet, an excercise program, new study habits. It's crazy...I tell you. It's like I'm making a New Year's know when you make one at the first of the year and don't make it through January, and if you do, it's definitely a bust in February. Only thing is, I make a new one every Monday and it's usually a bust by Wednesday, I always have good intentions, but I lose track somewhere....I think the bad day is Tuesday - cuz Monday I always stick to my resolution, then Tuesday I start out sticking to it, but, it seems that whatever happens on Tuesday usually brings my resolve crashing down around me....kabang!! It's like little bits of my will power have burst out of me and are all over the floor and people are walking on it, it sticks to there shoes, and they walk away with it! I try to get it back, but it's impossible..... Today - I got up at 5:00 a.m. and went walking. A good start to my new thing this week, tomorrow, however, I go to school, so I have to get up early anyway to get there on time. I will get my walking in at though. I've come up with a new strategy, I don't take all my books with me to class, so I have to go to the car between classes to get my books for the next class. That way, I get in all the extra walking that I can. So far, it's working. Well - keep your fingers crossed, and if you find any of my will power sticking to your shoes (please look) I'd like to have it back! Thanks.


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