Friday, September 30, 2005

Can I ask you a question?

Wednesday, I walked out of my horribly boring CAD class, I was trying to recover from my near death experience - (I was about bored to death), when a guy walked up to me with a huge empty re-usable drinking container in hand....he's looking at the container and says "can I ask you a question?" If you know me at all, you know that about 42 possibilities went through my head reagrding the possible requests that related to this container....but I said - "sure, what's up?" He said, still looking at his container, "if you were to die tonight do you know where you would spend eternity?" I know that I had to have the biggest smile now - I was very impressed at this young man's courage....I said "I sure do" he said - "where?" - I replied "heaven".....he siad "and how do you know that?" and I said "because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and trust solely in him for my salvation"...he nodded, and said "that's good, but is that all you have to do?" mind goes again - I'm thinking, yes, believe in the shall be saved...only by grace...not by works.......whosoever believeth....."yeah, He's the only way" is my final answer......he then says "do you have to obey him?" I hit my self on the forehead (not really) and reply "yes I do" and he says "that's right because the Bible says if you love me you will obey my commands", I nod in agreement and smile. He then continues and tells me that the bible says that if we call ourselves Christian and do not obey God's commands that we are liars and the truth is not in us.....I talked to him for a few more minutes and thanked him for sharing.

I did walk away thinking about that last statement - I memorized this scripture a few months ago and it meant a lot to me then too - it always makes me wonder - am I truly obeying? - I know I can do better, Christ commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, I don't do that like I should, I live my life and share here and there, but I don't make a concious effort to make sure I am taking every opportunity to share.....I'm still speeding when i drive - that's not very obedient, I do other things too - I'm really not doing a very good job being obedient - I don't wanta be a liar!! I gotta go - I'm at work typing all this and I should be working - I'm feeling a guilty now - bye!

Friday, September 16, 2005


Are you a cheetos fan? I am in a way, they taste good, but I don't like the powdery cheese getting all over me, so I hardly ever eat them, I really can't remember the last time (before today) that I ate them. Today, my boss brought me some baked cheetos, she is concerned that my BBQ Pringle habit is going to kill me, she thinks they are really bad for me. She decided I need to switch to baked cheetos if I am going to eat chips. So I ate them, they were quite delicious. Isn't it nice that my boss is concerned about me....awe, I feel special.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I just read my last post, you think I shoudl get test for A.D.D.?

Do you ever wonder....

about really weird stuff? I was thinking today about living on another planet, and all of the atmospheric things there would be to overcome once I got there, I was thinking though that it would be cool to be like one of the first people there (to live) and then invent stuff in this "new" atmosphere, because things would have to be made different, and I know given time I could figure it out (I know this because I'm quite conceited and think pretty highly of myself...hee hee). Not that I want to live on another planet or anything, but once I started thinking about that, I started thinking about starting my own city, I would call it Sam Town, and build my house on a hill, all the streets would be made out of those pavers, and I would put in the ordinances that everyone had to have a porch swing. That got me thinking about porch swings and how they should make them with the wind up thing like they do for little babies, not that I mind swinging myself, but if I fell asleep I might want it to keep swinging, and since I though of sleep, I thought of this weird dream I had the other night about the maintenance man in my apartments, not that I've ever seen the maintenance man, but I dreamt that he was like 500 pounds and I was sleeping and he came in to clean the vents, then attacked me and I got away and ran to the front office and they didn't believe me. The weird thing is, when I got home from work that day there was a notice on the door that the maintenance man would be stopping by to change the vents. Weird huh? I was a little nervous about it, but the next day I came home, and there was a nother notice saying it was done. I did check all around my apartment though and make sure the 500 pound man was not there. He wasn't.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

More boring tidbits

okay - so, you keep coming back, so I'm setting out to bore you some more.....

Today I ate crab rangoons for breakfast and nachos for lunch - how healthy is that?

I can't believe with the junk I eat that I actually am still losing weight - I lost like 3 pounds this past week - that's cool isnt it?

I went to a Ranger game last nigt, my friend got free tickets - the Rangers lost, my friends had to tell me how to read the scoreboard - really just cuz I didn't have my glasses, and I wasn't sure which one was the scrore, I guess I could have added up the runs in each inning, but I was too lazy.

I ate fried pickles for dinner - a late dinner, but they were sure good.

Um...I went to sleep around 1:00 a.m., and my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning, amazingly I got up. I lolly gagged around the house and didn't leave till almost 6:20 though - I should have been outta there by 6:00 - tomorrow I'll give that another shot!

Any other boring details you wanta know? Just ask - I'm open to sharing!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

This is for all the lonely people.....

It's not really for the lonely people, I just figured you might be lonely or bored if you're reading MY blog....cuz I was just looking through here, and there is some pretty boring stuff in here, I mean for real, who wants to hear what I eat for breakfast. I know the two of you that come read my blog must really love me to keep coming back. I just can't get why you want more......what is it? You really want to hear me griping about co-workers and school? You want to know about gnats flying in my spaghetti? You really want to hear me ramble on so much that the only thing I can title the post is "Yadi yadi ya..."? Do you? Ya'll are crazy....I don't get it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Theo "the demon dog"

I don't mean it really, I love him, but sometimes I think he is possessed. Now I know, that he is just a baby, but really...why must he:

- not use the restroom the entire 15 to 20 minutes we are outside, and wait till we get back inside to decide to squat? (I've caught onto him though, and I watch him when we come back in and grab him as soon as I see him about to go...)

- sleep all day and stay up all night whining and barking

- bite me feet all evening long

- chew on my shoes

- chew on anything plugged into an electrical outlet

- drag my shoes out of the closet and leave them in front of my bedroom door (I tripped over them and him in the dark a few minutes ago)

- want to go outside whan we are inside and inside whan we are outside

- shred any piece of paper he can find

- but all the while, be SO DARN CUTE!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sick Day

Today I got up, showered and got ready for work. I got in the car (Theo and I both did) and headed for work, I didn’t feel all that great, but I thought it would go away. I was about an hour into the drive, and had gotten about as far as I normally did in about 15 minutes. I heard on the radio there was a wreck holding us up, and that there were two more on the main highway I would be taking. As I sat in traffic, I called my boss to tell her I was going to be late then – It hit me. The burning sensation in my ears was back, I had been feeling it off and on for a few weeks, I went to the doctor they said I had fluid in my ears, and gave me ear drops….anyway, my ears started burning first, then my throat….when this happens the roof of my mouth starts to feel numb, and my chest started hurting. It’s not unbearable pain, just uncomfortable, but then…nausea set in, and I’m done for, I started feeling dizzy and had to pull over. I sat on the side of the road trying to collect myself, I got out of my car and threw up. I got back in my car, called my boss again and said I was going home. I turned the car around immediately and began the traffic filled journey back. I made it home, and thus began my sick day….today I pretty much stayed in bed, or sat here at my laptop, I talked on the phone some, but mostly slept and read. I feel much better, and think I’m going to go see a movie tonight. I want to see Red Eye, and it is showing right here next to my apartments. I’m gonna run now! Take Care!

Labor Day

It was a good day. I got up in the morning about 8:30. I brushed my teeth, put some shorts and a t-shirt on, a hat on my head, and began cleaning. I cleaned out my closet, now that may not sound like a massive feat, but I tell you it was. I got rid of two trash bags full of wire hangers, and 4 trash bags full of clothes. My closet is still decently full. Now even worse, is that I did this about 2 months ago, and got rid of even more clothing than that. Wow – where did I get all this stuff? Oh, I cleaned out my dresser drawers too – some of it came from there.

I went to Walmart. I bought a vacuum cleaner. I know it’s bad, I’ve been here 8 months without a vacuum. I have borrowed one on occasion, but more times than that I have swept the carpet with a broom. So – I finally broke down and bought one. I also bought an ironing board, and – you won’t believe this – groceries! I actually have food in my refrigerator!! From Salad to soup to frozen dinners….I even bought stuff to actually cook! I’m gonna do it to, just watch.

Then I did ALL of my laundry. I cleaned my bathroom and kitchen. I had bought some new candles and I lit them, they are called “warm apple pie” (smells like cherry to me though). My table and book case are both still wiped out, but the rest of my apartment is clean! Woo hoo!!

I talked on the phone quite a bit, and played on the internet when I could get online, debated the movies, but never went. Oooh – I did go to the Chicken Express right next door (I’ve never been) and got some sweet tea. It was amazing, I had to go back and buy a gallon!

Later in the evening, Theo and I went to a friend’s house. We sat around and talked and played with the dogs. It was nice, and Theo enjoyed having someone to play with. The coolest thing however was….we walked outside to let Theo…uh you know…do his business…..and when I walked out, I suddenly felt like I wanted to sit on a porch swing, and I said so. I said “A porch swing would be nice right now, it’s such a beautiful night”. My friend was like “oh man, I wish we had one, that would be cool” Then suddenly I saw the light, an idea forming….we looked at each other and instantly new what the other was thinking. We put Theo up, and then both took off, walking across neighbors yards, in the dark, I’m sure we looked suspicious…then we saw it - a porch swing. We snuck up the drive and quietly onto the porch and both sat on the swing, we giggled and talked quietly as we sat there for about twenty minutes, enjoying the night. It was exhilarating…sneaking, laughing, swinging, and just having plain good fun.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I had a very very hectic day, I get really tired of hearing my name called 50009387490237850923 times throughout the day. Today my boss called me every 2 seconds with the stupidest questions, for some reason, everyone in my office assumes I know everything about everything. This one lady walked in my office today and said - "804 N. 3rd is vacant", I said "uh-really" - I had no clue what she was talking about or why she was telling me, then she starts asking me a million questions about it, I kept saying "I don't know" and she still kept asking me, I finally, in my annoyed voice (which I try not to use to often) said "look - I. do. not. know. what. you. are. talking. about." she said - "804 N. 3rd" like I was an idiot. I gave her my blank "stop talking to me" look, and she just stood there looking back at me. I thought "I can play this game" so I just sat there and waited. Finally she said "did you not hear anything PM was just saying?" I said "was she talking to me?" she said "no, but she was standing outside your office"....I said "if she wasn't talking to me, I wasn't listening, sorry".


This happened yesterday, I started writing this post, I didn't finish it, and today I'm not feeling quite so frustrated. I reread that, and boy I was frustrated huh....anyway- I'll be back soon, I promise!

To Whom It May Concern:

As Lava's official Secretary, I regret to inform you that she is unavailable to entertain your boring days at work, your sleepless nights, or any other events in life that have you obsessively coming back for any future hope of entertainment. I apologize for all hope that is lost as you click on her site in your favorites hoping, praying, and anxiously waiting for the next series in the Lava Locust Trilogy.

Lava will be working on her next post, and will have it up very shortly. She appreciates your return patronage, and patience through this busy time in life.


Ms Thang
Secretary Extraordinaire