Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Do you ever wonder....

about really weird stuff? I was thinking today about living on another planet, and all of the atmospheric things there would be to overcome once I got there, I was thinking though that it would be cool to be like one of the first people there (to live) and then invent stuff in this "new" atmosphere, because things would have to be made different, and I know given time I could figure it out (I know this because I'm quite conceited and think pretty highly of myself...hee hee). Not that I want to live on another planet or anything, but once I started thinking about that, I started thinking about starting my own city, I would call it Sam Town, and build my house on a hill, all the streets would be made out of those pavers, and I would put in the ordinances that everyone had to have a porch swing. That got me thinking about porch swings and how they should make them with the wind up thing like they do for little babies, not that I mind swinging myself, but if I fell asleep I might want it to keep swinging, and since I though of sleep, I thought of this weird dream I had the other night about the maintenance man in my apartments, not that I've ever seen the maintenance man, but I dreamt that he was like 500 pounds and I was sleeping and he came in to clean the vents, then attacked me and I got away and ran to the front office and they didn't believe me. The weird thing is, when I got home from work that day there was a notice on the door that the maintenance man would be stopping by to change the vents. Weird huh? I was a little nervous about it, but the next day I came home, and there was a nother notice saying it was done. I did check all around my apartment though and make sure the 500 pound man was not there. He wasn't.


Blogger dont eat the token said...

I love the thought rambles!!

You're funny.

Did you complain about the vents already, so it was already in your subconcious, thus feeding the dream?

Or perhaps you're a bit pre-cog like someone I know (me).

I think in free association all the time. Like, what determines the number of letters in my word ver and what color will it be, and why do I keep getting green.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...


12:40 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

You are so crazy! Sam Town, I would call it The Dean Bean in my dream.

Anyway, thanks for saying I am your Human Prozac, that is too sweet!

I love you too!

Your brother...

2:27 PM  
Blogger Lava said...

Annex - actually, no, I had not complained about the vents, I never complain. It was routine maintenance I guess. Glad you stopped by!

Mom - I will

Eddie - LOL - the Dena bean? silly....

msthang - I'm not sure you could handle it in there!!

5:26 AM  

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