Monday, January 30, 2006

It's been a while...

Since I posted, and my mama wants more details of my life. I'm sorry I am such a slow blogger, but everything else has squeezed the blogility out of me. You like that word? blogility...I just made it up.

Anyway - let's see - school has started back, I am working 10 hours on MWF - no lunch break, and I am going to school all day Tuesday and Thursday - I have lots and lots of homework, so studying has ti be fit in somewhere, plus work ins an hour commute one way. I also listen to vocabulary for my Spanish class in my car - that's how I get my lab time in. I volunteer on Sunday morning, and if I stay and help teach guitar, I am there till 2:00 p.m. (which I have skipped a bit lately - sorry mom)

SO - my free time is spent trying to catch up on studying, and trying to maintain a bit of a social life (which, let's admit, really, I probably give too much priority).

I'm horrid about putting off studying when people call and say "hey, let's go eat" - I'm like - "a girl's gotta eat - right" so off I go - thinking I can be back in an hour, when I look at the clock 4 hours later - and my favorite TV show is coming on in like 1 hour - what I'm supposed to do - I don't panic - I know that I can get my stuff ready and get a few math problems done in the next 45 minutes or so, then after my show, If I stay up till midnight, I still get in 5 hours of sleep - 5 and half if I hit snooze a few times....I can get a few more in then, I get 2, count them, 2...fifteen minute breaks at work, so I can get a problem done on each of those - okay - that's 15 out of 25.....hmmmm, there are potty breaks, time when stuck in traffic, and possibly I could multi-task and do a math problem at my desk while talking to a customer about zoning -(it's been done!) that's 18 to 20, depending on how much traffic I hit.....I get home, and a friend calls....but I got 5 more to do, and yet - they don't have to be done till tomorrow.....hmmm, I can get one done before I go, and a couple before bed, get up early - do one more, manage enough time in my first class to get one done - my second class there's just no way, ERRRRKKKK, put the breaks on - reverse! reverse! back to morning, must do two problems before school - meaning - at least one hour earlier for the alarm....hmmm, am I really all that hungry? should I go to dinner? You know I will. I always do......

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Italy Pictures

I'll post more pictures soon - this was a lot slower process than I imagined!!
Roman Pizza

The Colesium of Rome

Inside McDonalds in Rome

MsThang in front of "Porta de Magica"

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Italy cont'd

A whole lot of the adventures of my Italy trip have been outlined very nicely on MsThang's site...please visit her for some of the other details.

One thing she didn't mention, when we went back to Rome ot see the Vatican City - we had a hard time finding the place at first,m then decided to stop and eat. We went to this little Pizzeria. I had this mushroom pizza and she had this pizza with tons of peppers on it - like red and yellow bell peppers - I'mnot sure what they are actually called. Anyway, that's not really part of the story....

So - I got a Coca Cola light (Diet Coke) in a can, and poured part of it in this little plastic cup. We were sitting and talking and having a jolly old time, this really old, really poor looking lady comes in, and walks to the counter behind us. I didn't notice her much, just noticed she had on a really dirty light blue coat.

Next thing I know, I look down, and I see this really dirty fingernail attached to this really old dirty wrinkled hand, and then I saw the blue coat that wrapped her arm, the hand was reaching slowly in front of me. I looked to my right, and there she stood. The lady in blue. She said somehting in a low husky voice - Italian, I'm sure - I couldn't make it out. As she reached for my small plastic cup. I stared in shock, mouth half open - eyebrows raised.

I heard from behind an almost shout "No!", it shook me out of my daze - and I turned further to the right and saw the clerk coming toward her - reaching out to stop her drinking my Coca Cola light. I said "It's okay" as she perched her lips on my glass, and drank like she had been walking in the desert for days, no stopping to take a breath, or evn to swallow, she tilted her head back, and continued tilting till it was gone....then she licked the last drop out of the cup (ok, no she didn't, I added the lickign part) she sat the cup back down, never looking at me, and turned and slowly walked out the door - she was gone...

I tuirned to look at MsThang - we stared at each other for a brief second, then both busted out in laughter. We wondered what the lady had said, and why she was so thirsty - we made up fun stories - coure we'll never know what her story was.....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I went to Italy to visit MsThang - we had a great time. I just got home last night.

I've never been out of the United States before, this was my first trip and I had a blast.

First - we spent three days in Rome - it was rainy, and we walked our tails off - but it was historical and beautiful, and just all around amazing. We saw the Collesium, and some churches, statutes, old buildings, tons of cars - that new little smart car was all over the place - I loved that thing - everytime I saw one it made me laugh - it looks like a toy.

We took one creepy cab ride - the driver kept looking at MsThangs legs the whole time, he wouldn't watch the road at all. We were both glad to get outta there!

We took a train from Rome to Naples - my first train ride. It was nice, the scenery was beautiful.

We spent the rest of the week in Gricignano (I don't know if that's how you spell it - I'm guessing) on the Navy base. but went out into the City in the evenings. We went through Sorrento, to Positano, which was by far my favorite - it was beautiful check it out!

We ate in a wonderful restaurant there, I had some kind of potato dumplings in a tomato sauce, followed by grilled sausage, we started out with bruschetta, and these fried potato and cheese things - I believe they were called croquette di patati.
It was all very good.

There's lots more to tell - I'll be back soon to fill you in on the rest.....