Monday, January 30, 2006

It's been a while...

Since I posted, and my mama wants more details of my life. I'm sorry I am such a slow blogger, but everything else has squeezed the blogility out of me. You like that word? blogility...I just made it up.

Anyway - let's see - school has started back, I am working 10 hours on MWF - no lunch break, and I am going to school all day Tuesday and Thursday - I have lots and lots of homework, so studying has ti be fit in somewhere, plus work ins an hour commute one way. I also listen to vocabulary for my Spanish class in my car - that's how I get my lab time in. I volunteer on Sunday morning, and if I stay and help teach guitar, I am there till 2:00 p.m. (which I have skipped a bit lately - sorry mom)

SO - my free time is spent trying to catch up on studying, and trying to maintain a bit of a social life (which, let's admit, really, I probably give too much priority).

I'm horrid about putting off studying when people call and say "hey, let's go eat" - I'm like - "a girl's gotta eat - right" so off I go - thinking I can be back in an hour, when I look at the clock 4 hours later - and my favorite TV show is coming on in like 1 hour - what I'm supposed to do - I don't panic - I know that I can get my stuff ready and get a few math problems done in the next 45 minutes or so, then after my show, If I stay up till midnight, I still get in 5 hours of sleep - 5 and half if I hit snooze a few times....I can get a few more in then, I get 2, count them, 2...fifteen minute breaks at work, so I can get a problem done on each of those - okay - that's 15 out of 25.....hmmmm, there are potty breaks, time when stuck in traffic, and possibly I could multi-task and do a math problem at my desk while talking to a customer about zoning -(it's been done!) that's 18 to 20, depending on how much traffic I hit.....I get home, and a friend calls....but I got 5 more to do, and yet - they don't have to be done till tomorrow.....hmmm, I can get one done before I go, and a couple before bed, get up early - do one more, manage enough time in my first class to get one done - my second class there's just no way, ERRRRKKKK, put the breaks on - reverse! reverse! back to morning, must do two problems before school - meaning - at least one hour earlier for the alarm....hmmm, am I really all that hungry? should I go to dinner? You know I will. I always do......


Blogger Jenn said...

I love your cute little Pomeranian. I have a black and white Pom.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Lava said...

thank you Jenn!! and thanks for stopping by!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Three Score and Ten or more said...

It is nice to have you back. your big brother web master missed you and so did we.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Ha Ha, 3 score called me your Big Brother, and I am big, but you are my older sister! Not by much though, I am glad mom had us so close together.

Now, about this post - it was great, just what we needed. I could totally visualize you doing all of those things and tomrrow I won't keep you long for dinner, hopefully just long enough that you will have missed any traffic that you might have hit.

See you tomorrow, love you!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Alright, alright already! We forgive you for not blogging. No need to make us feel guilty about it. *sigh*


1:23 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

Now I know why you have dark circles under your eyes, have you been taking your children's vitamins, are you drinking any water, and of course make sure you get enough protein, I know you like those veggies, but how bout a little chicken and fish? Just being a mom, can't help myself. You poor thang, come on over and I will wait on you, or better yet, maybe I will bring you some lunch on your days you work.

4:14 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Yayyyy! You wrote, you wrote, you wrote!

I understand about your social life being a priority. It better be, at your age! ;o)

Still, it's sooo nice to see you post.

1:20 PM  

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