Wishy Washy
I was told this week that I was wishy washy, and so I've analyzed, searched, and knocked it around a little to decide just how I felt about this. I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I am. I should say, I was. Because I'm turning over a new leaf. A new leaf you say? hmm...yes, that's what I said.....a new leaf. Why in the world do you think they call it a new "leaf"? Oh, that's beside the point, back to my wishy washiness. I never really felt like I was wishy washy, but now that I am no longer in denial...here I go.....My name is Samantha and I'm a wishy washaholic. Can anyone out there relate??? I really just try to make decisions based on what I want and what everyone else around me wants.....does that really make me wishy washy? Does it? Just because I change my mind 20 times, isn't that my perogative? Isn't it? Just because I think I can please all the people all the time.....does that make me so bad? does it? OKAY...I get it, it's time to grow up. I told myself this week, that I have to do it some time, so the time is now. I can't keep dodging conflict, saying yes to not upset people, doing what I don't want to do just to make others happy, not making decisions for fear that someone will think it's the wrong one, not saying whats on my mind for fear that you might disagree....I know, I know, It's crazy, pure craziness. I'm not wishy washy, I'm just insane. No, for real, I'm thirty years old, and have not ever planted my feet and stood my ground based on what I wanted as an individual. I can't help it, but I think about how what I do will or might affect others around me, everyone around me. I can't keep living my life this way. It's not fair to all of you. So - I'm starting a twelve step program (not really, it may only be 3 or 4 steps, we'll see). I've taken the first step and admitted I have a problem. The second step is identifying the steps I am going to take to overcome it, which I think mainly, is being honest, with myself and those around me, and stop worrying so much. The third step is to just do it.....so, next time I see you and your hair looks bad, expect the truth, don't be offended, just realize it's part of my 3 step program (I only have three steps so far, I'll add more if I figure it out) . If your clothes are tacky, and if you have a feeling you don't look so great, don't ask me, and if you do, expect the truth. I'm gonna do my best to follow my newly developed Three Step Progam "Wash that Wishy Wahiness Away" and if you want to join my support group, just give me a call at 1-800-washout.....(hee,hee)