Thursday, August 04, 2005

tagged? me?

1. What were three of the stupidest things you have done in your life?

-Ran away from home - I rode my bike, and took a change of clothes and a box of cereal in my backpack. I was planning to sleep under a bridge. I thought my mama didn't love me no more - she did though, I was being a total brat. Of course I came home the same day, but I scared my parents to death and I felt really bad for a really really long time. I still do when I think about it.

-One time I was driving down the highway (a long time ago) and I there were tons of trucks (you know, big 18 wheelers) going down the road, i decided to count them - so I was counting not paying attention to my driving, I hit the curb, and my car went spinning across the median and across the other side of the highway, I almost died of "freak out" since I didn't get hit or anything. I don't count things while driving anymore.

-swam in a creek/junkyard. When I was kid, my brother, sister and I used to go down to this creek like drainage area that had old cars and other junk people had dumped there, we woud dive off he junk into this nasty shallow water - we should all be dead.

2. At the current moment, who has the most influence in your life?

This is hard to answer. Christ has impacted me most, but if you want to know what Person has, let's see - I would have to say my mom - she's most amazing. Some friends too......

3. If you were given a time machine that functioned, and you were allowed to only pick up five people to dine with, who would you pick?

I would go back in time and get my grandpa (papa), my friend Tommy (he died a couple of years ago - he was so dear to me), Rosa Parks (I'd love to meet her), Ella Fitzgerald, so she could play me a tune on her saxophone, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

4. If you had three wishes that were not supernatural, what would they be?

- to have children (have, adopt, kidnap - whatever) JK on the kidnapping part!
- health and happiness for all of my family and friends
- to be done with school, and be working as an engineer

5. Someone is visiting your hometown/place where you live at the moment.

Name two things you regret your city not having, and two things people should avoid.

I can't think of anything my city doesn't have, except some of my friends and family, if they all moved closer - it'd be perfect

If you came to visit - you should avoid my apartment - it is a mess! and avoid IH-35 during rush hour!!! traffic is horrific!!

6. Name one event that has changed your life.

Having Brain Surgery

7. Tag 3 people.

My third choice was Julie but msthang already tagged her - I have to think about the third - isn't that sad?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep - I had brain surgery on July 6, 2000, five years ago - all better now though!

I say it changed my life because that is when I decided to go back to school, I was inspired by my surgeon - I had always wanted to be a doctor - so I decided to do it, things changed and I'm on track to being a Civil Engineer now....but the whole event definitely made an impact on my outlook - and my lifer has changed for the better because of it.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

I love that pic of you in your profile. Cutie!!!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Lava said...

awe thanks ya'll (said in my best Texas accent)

10:47 PM  

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