Thursday, March 31, 2005

No Bueno

I'm no good at this trying to blog everyday, I used to be alot better at it, but it seems I don't have as much time on my hands as I used too. I also don't know what in the world to talk about....I think you should go check out my brother's site, he finds all kinds of personal issues to discuss. I'm not quite as open to sharing as he is, but maybe I'll open up a little more as we go along. Today I went to work, got there a little before 7:00 and then went to school, I was 20 minutes late to class due to not being able to leave work on time, and the horrible traffic, but I got to class, got my test back (with my wopping 77) and made it throught the rest of the day. It is 10:45 P.M. and I am exhausted...about to go to bed, so to all you other tired peeps all across the land, take from me.....Sammy understands. (hee, hee - I don't know if you'll know where I got that, but I bet my brother will) Night Night!


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