Saturday, July 03, 2004


I had surgery on Tuesday...OUCHIE, OUCH sister lied. She said it just felt like she did too many sit - ups, yeah right 489,898,999,898,875 too many. That's all. I have lost 12 pounds already though - so that's nice. So - here's the update for the whole week since I have written in a while:

Monday: Regular day - worked, went to eat, went home...yadi, yadi, yadi

Tuesday: Surgery Day - got to the hospital promptly at 11:00 a.m. as I was told, was very quickly taken back to the little room where I had to put on the gown with the split down the back. Waited an entire month for them to come get me - okay not a month but it felt like it. Surgery was supposed to be at 1:00 p.m. but there wan no operating room available. I waited in the bed with the thin little gown on while my family and friends took turns coming in to visit. It was actually quite fun being the center of attention, you know how I am, I like the world to revolve around me. Me! Me! Me!

Anyway, they put in an I.V. and gave me some medice, I was sleepy, but still visiting...kinda. So they came and got me at around 3:00 p.m. took me to the operating room, gave me a little oxyg......I woke up in recovery.

Recovery: Interesting, I woke up and couldn't see anything clearly, I don't remember feeling pain, I think there were three nurses at my bedside, and I heard all kinds of discussions. People talking about eating and movies, and all kinds of stuff. It was weird. I never thought of recovery like this. There were lots of patients with lots of nurses all in one big room; however, it was like they didn't want me to know this so as soon as I became aware they shot something in my I.V. and I was out again. Next I remember being wheeled down the hall, the lights were bright, and suddenly I hear "Is she awake?" and I see the smiling face of my brother-in-law. I remember thinking how happy and jolly he looked. I was wheeled in my room, and my best friend was there. Then suddenly so was everyone else. People staring at me. I remember feeling relieved, because I heard someone tell the nurses to take me to room 557, and as I got closer I heard discussion about the room number being 553, which in my mind was worng. It was 557. I didn't say anything, but kept thinking, what if they wheel me into a room that belongs to someone else. It's weird how unreasonable my thoughts were, I kept picturing myself being in this room with different sick people and their families and that my family was in room 557 waiting for me, and I couldn't talk and tell anyone for some reason. Weird huh.

Anyway, I was relieved that my family figured out it was 553 and not 557. I guess there was never any question for them which room it was, actually I don't know, I never asked.

The rest of Tuesday was good, I was pretty much out of it till it was time to go to sleep. By bed time I was wide awake. There was absolutely nothing on T.V. my parents spent the night in the room and my mom was snoring like a log cutter. I don't really know if log cutters snore, but it was all I could think of. The nurse came in like every 3.5 minutes to either check my blood pressure, temperature, and pulse, or give me a shot, or make me go to the bathroom, or make me run laps around the nurses station. It's crazy - All day long they leave you pretty much alone, and then at night they attack!!

Wednesday: I woke up in the morning, ready to go home, I wasn't in too much pain, I wanted a shower. The doctor came in, checked things out and said I could go. Nurses came in and unhooked me from machines. The Dietician came in and told me what to eat, then I had to sign some papers and we were out of there...almost..we had to wait for the wheelchair person to come get me. Why? Why do they make you get up and walk aroud in the middle of the night when your half asleep and hooked up to machines, but when you've been released they have to wheel you out? Anyway, the little girl with the wheel chair comes and immediately apologizes because the chair is like loveseat size, It's huge!! And she was this little bitty girl whose arms were spread as wide as she was tall in order for her to be able to reach the handles. Then it was motorized and she didn't know how to work it. When we got downstairs, she said "can you walk form here, cuz I don't know if I can get this thing through the revolving door?" I was like sure,cuz I was very glad to get out of the badly driven loveseat.

Mom and Dad took me home, mom came to the door, dropped my bag in the chair, dad stayed in the car, mom ran back to the car and they sped off....hmmmmm, bet they were hungry. I don't know what was up with that, but it was nice to be home. My roomate came home a little later, went and filled my prescription, and got me lots of fun liquidy drinks/foods. I can only have liquids for the next 5-6 weeks. So far it's not too bad. All in all, Wednesday wasn't bad, felt okay, a little sore...but fairly good.

Thursday: Got up early, had the house to myself, showered, felt sick, sat down a while, let the dog out, went out to check the mail, walked down the sidewalk about 20 feet, felt really sick, and went to lie down, woke up about an hour later and rushed to the bathroom and began vomiting....Oh My Gosh!! I was in pain after that. My chest hurt really bad. I sat down for a little while, the pain would not go away, I called my doctor, they said go to the emergency room, I called my friend Karen, and she took me to Denton Regional. I was there half the day it felt like.... My roommate and my mom came. They stayed with me. Oh my goodness, I believe it was training day in the emergency room that day. When they came in to take blood five people entered the room - four of which had student patches from NCTC on their arms, one of the students came toward me, I cringed, she took my blood and it was okay, she did pretty well. Second, the I.V., a different student, Oh crap, she missed the vien, the nurse said, try going to the left, OUCH, she missed agin, the nurse said "go deeper" I wriggled and cringed and made faces, then cried and they gave up on that hand. So, they decided to go to the other hand, it was the nurse this time, and she was trying to prove something to these students, she jammed that needle in so hard, I thought it went through my bone, it was horrid, the most horrible I.V. ever. She got it in, but it hurt like ##@*&*^!!@@. Then they did X-Rays, and crawling from the bed to the table and back was quite painful with these inciscions in my stomach, but I managed. It was weird, the doctor's had never heard of the procedure I had or seen "anything like it" The doctor in charge asked me to explain it to him "for his education". Pretty weird. I wasn't feeling too confident about them at this point, finally they talked to my doctor and let me go home, gave me medicine for nausea, and a prescription and I was off. Back at home, I didn't feel too good, my phone rang off the hook, I counted, and I received 26 phone calls that day. I think that's a record for me.

Friday: Lot better day. Felt pretty good, watched some movies, no drama. A good day.

Saturday: That is today, I feel great, a little sore, but I can live with that. I got up at 7:00 a.m., showered, put on make-up, got on the scale - I've lots 12 pounds, I opened my Mary Kay shipment, and found all the pretty nail polishes I ordered for myself along with the other stuff, but the stuff I got fro me was most fun. I started to clean a little, then decided to check my e-mail. Now I'm doing this, writing in my blog. I think I will go paint a picture.....I've been wanting to paint.


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