Thursday, June 23, 2005

40 something things I'm thankful for...

God and the fact the he sent his Son to die on the cross so that we could be saved first of all.
Then...Family, friends, health, my job, my car (my bling as I call it), freedom, AIR CONDITIONING, love, music, dancing, Italian Food, Oreos, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Diet Dr. Pepper, Soap, Flip flops, water, clothes, Visa, fresh air, trees, grass, flowers, paint, crayons, sunshine, rainbows, clouds, wind, some dogs (not all of them), lipstick, computers, the internet, hats (baseball caps included), pillows, candles, deodorant, Q-tips, shopping malls, Cato's, laundry detergent, dishwashers, Beds!

There's many more things, but those were the first forty something I thought of......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

40 something things I am thankful for:

God and the fact that he sent his only son to die on the cross so we could be saved is my number 1 too.

Family, friends, the internet, my internet friends, the ability to freely take college courses, freedom, transportation rather it be my car (I miss you boo) or a bicycle, MEXICAN FOOD (oh how I miss you), love, iced tea, dreams, cameras to capture moments forever, scented candles, DVD players, girly clothes that make you feel 100% sexy without looking trampy, nail polish (and the remover to take it off when you are done with that color), imagination, tennis, swimming pools, sandals, heels, sweat, long walks with friends, feeling of hurt without it we would never have life lessons, people magazine, laundromats, your humble abode AWAY from the parents, ambition, phones, shampoo and soap, the sun, the smell of freshly wet dirt, the smell of freshly cut grass, sprinklers, freshly made homemade bread, freshly made homemade cookies (or the ones from subway.. their off the hook), massages, sleep, vacations back to normalcy (the states for me lol), and my best friends kids who carry around a magnet of Italy because it's in the shape of a boot and the boot reminds them of their Aunt Sarah.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Lava said...

Thanks msthang for sharing...and always coming back to my site!

5:49 AM  

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